Letters to Myself from the End of the World—Hilarious, Raw, and Unfiltered

letters to myself from the end of the world

Dear me, “You absolute dumbass—remember when you thought life was hard at 15? Ha ha ha. Let’s talk.” These are the opening lines to a letter I wrote to myself. Turns out, I’m not the only one who writes letters to myself. Many authors and filmmakers have embraced the concept of “letters to myself from … Read more

Writing a Letter to Your Younger Self: 21 Prompts to Get Started

a watercolor illustration of a woman and her younger self, both wearing pink dresses, reflecting on personal growth and resilience.

When I first heard the idea of writing a letter to my younger self, I felt weird. Little did I know then how therapeutic writing a letter to yourself could be. The whole endeavour can lead to writing an enriching guide to build a better life. It felt a little strange, like reaching back through time to … Read more